Selection Process

  1. The following candidates are eligible to apply for Chung Charitable Foundation Scholarships:
    • Graduate student at a U.S. top 50 ranking university with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
    • Undergraduate student at a U.S. top 50 ranking university with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
    • High school student from Orange County or Los Angeles County, CA with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, and/or any state/county-wide award for excellence in an extracurricular activity, and/or 100+ hours of community service.
    • Junior high student from Orange County or Los Angeles County, CA with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and/or any school/county/state-wide award for excellence in an extracurricular activity.
    • Elementary student from Orange County or Los Angeles County, CA with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and/or any school/county/state-wide award for excellence in an extracurricular activity.
  2. Individuals will be selected from each candidate group (i.e. graduate students, undergraduate, high school) once a year. Students must be enrolled full-time and demonstrate a high level of academic and/or extracurricular achievement.
  3. Priority will be given to undergraduate and graduate students.
  4. Applicants must submit the following:
    • One-page resume (undergraduate and graduate students only)
    • Copy of current official transcript
    • Personal statement
    • Completed scholarship application
  5. The award will be administered and applications will be reviewed by the Chung Family. The Chung Family maintains the right to revisit the selection criteria in order to make the scholarship as relevant as possible.
  6. The selection will be made on the basis of the student’s demonstrated academic and/or extracurricular excellence.
  7. Scholarships will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. Awards of $100-$10,000 may be allocated to eligible candidates based on level of education, need, and extracurricular involvement. Scholarships will be disbursed through checks made directly to the recipient.
